Mysteries of the Earth: most unexplained wonders of the world

There are many locations on earth to visit. Ancient civilizations are especially attractive and what they left us: mysterious monuments, signs, architecture. Let’s talk about which places you should definitely visit!

Great Sphinx

The Egyptian Monument is the most famous mysterious structure on earth. It is still unknown that these are tombs from antiquity or antennas for inhabitants of other planets.

The pyramid of Pharaoh Khafra is guarded by the Sphinx, made of monolithic stone – a whole part of the rock (73 x 76 x 20 m). The Great Sphinx is one of the largest monolithic monuments of antiquity.


Stonehenge is a giant structure made of megalithic stones and located near the capital of Great Britain – London. Arranged in a circle, stones are combined with 56 mysterious grooves on the outside.

Scientists have not yet solved the mystery of the origin of this monumental structure in England, which is one of the most mysterious buildings in the world. Researchers from the Middle Ages wondered how such a thing could be built without special equipment. The purpose of this building is also unknown. According to scientists, Stonehenge is the remains of a destroyed, even larger-scale object. We hope that someday science will explain the origin of the monument.

Moai Monuments

Easter Island has huge statues depicting human figures. They were carved from volcanic tuff rock.

According to scientific data, they were made in the middle of the second millennium AD: the locals created them, but it is unclear why. One statue weighs about 70 tons, its height is from 9 meters. The huge figures make a stunning impression.

Today there are about 400 statues, although there is an assumption that earlier their number reached 887.

Goseck circle

Planning a trip to Germany? Then go to the incredibly mysterious structure – the Gosek circle. This is a kind of “solar observatory” consisting of round ditches surrounded by walls. Simple materials were used for the construction – gravel, earth, wood. Despite the simplicity of the raw materials, the Gosek circle has been preserved in good condition to this day.

According to scientists, this building was made in the X millennium BC!