Explore nside the Presidential Mansion

In the UK, the Queen is at Buckingham Palace and the Prime Minister is at 10 Downing, London. Bellevue Palace used to be a school and museum before becoming the residence of the German president.

Next to the famous Champs-Élysées avenue is the Élysée Palace, the residence of French Presidents since the 1840s.

The palace was built in 1772 using a lot of gold. A typical example is the gold-plated interior inside the Salle des Fêtes hall, where French Presidents give their inauguration speeches. This is the room where official talks and parties are held. 

The Presidential Office is also called Salon Doré (meaning golden room), named based on the room’s characteristics because there are many objects and decorative details made of gold from walls, tables, chairs, doors…

The White House in Washington DC is perhaps the most famous Presidential residence in the world. Including the office where President Donald Trump discusses work with diplomats, staff, state governors…

The White House has two dining rooms, one for the president’s family and one for holding parties to meet world leaders.

Palácio da Alvorada in Brasília, Brazil has been the residence of Brazilian presidents since 1956. The unique exterior wall looks like “hoe” blades, reflected in the surrounding lake. This is a sculpture by Brazilian artist Alfred Ceschiatti. 

The house is minimalist but has many private rooms, a large living room, and below is a hall, games room, kitchen and storage. 

The Tokyo Imperial Palace is a palace located in the middle of the Japanese capital, in a green park and surrounded by very solid walls. This is the residence of Emperor Akihito and the Japanese royal family. 

Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, meaning “fortress inside the city”, was built between the 14th and 17th centuries. This is the official residence of Russian presidents.

The Parliament Building located inside the Kremlin is the workplace of President Vladimir Putin.

Although not politically powerful, Queen Elizabeth II of England lives in Buckingham Palace in London. This is also the residence of the British Royal Family since 1837.

The palace has 775 rooms, including 52 royal bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. 

The British Prime Minister lives and works at 10 Downing Street, London. Prime Minister Theresa May currently lives here with her husband Philip.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Türkiye is living at Ak Saray (also known as the White Palace of this country) in the capital Ankara. This palace is worth 615 million USD, has more than 1,100 rooms, so it is larger than the White House and the Palace of Versailles. 

Bellevue Palace, a bold neoclassical building located in the heart of Berlin, has been the official residence and working place of the German president since 1994. Frank-Walter Steinmeier is the president who lives here, but the building was Built in 1785 for the younger brother of Frederick the Great. Later, the palace became a school under the German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II. During the Nazi era, this place became a museum. 

Quirinal Palace in Rome, Italy, is one of three residences of Italian presidents. This building is 20 times larger than the White House and has served as a residence for 30 Popes, 4 kings and 12 Italian presidents. 

This is currently the residence of President Sergio Mattarella, with 1,200 rooms. The palace, built in the 16th century, is open to visitors of its exhibition rooms.