Fаns tҺink Enzо Fеrnandеz ιs аlreаdy sιck оf bеing ‘lеt dоwn’ by Һis CҺelsea tеammatеs

Some Chelsea fans believe that Enzo Fernandez is ‘mad’ and is tired of being ‘let down’ by his teammates, as he was seen fuming during the 1-0 defeat at Manchester City.

The Argentinian transferred from Benfica to the Blues in January and broke the British transfer record by costing a cool £106.8 million. But despite signing on until 2031, fans are convinced Fernandez has already had enough at Stamford Bridge after footage emerged of his actions at the Etihad.

During the Blues’ 1-0 loss to City, the 22-year-old was visibly frustrated due to a lack of passing options.

At one point, he’d won the ball and was ready to charge, but realised nobody had run with him.

Angry with a lack of passing options, he was seen raising his arms in exasperation before beckoning his Chelsea colleagues to move up the pitch.

Following the match, fans were quick to speculate why the World Cup winner was rilled up and discussed whether his annoyance was justified.

One Twitter user commented: “Everybody just looks like they don’t care. I bet there’s nothing to play for so to say, but that’s where pride should come into play.

“These players act like they don’t mind losing. That’s something we can’t have a loser’s mentality will kill the locker room.”

Another said: “And he’s right. I actually feel embarrassed every time he gets mad because he knows there’s no structure or patterns of play, we just show up and hope for the best, hope we actually play something next season.”

A third wrote: “At times he was the one pressing up the pitch while [Kai] Havertz was having a stroll near the halfway line.”

However, many viewers were quick to move the blame from the player’s door and lay it at the door of interim manager, Frank Lampard.

One Twitter user said: “This is Lampard’s fault, there was no point in playing 5-2-2-1 behind the striker when we have wingers on the bench that are explosive and actually take the game to the opposition.”

Another joked: “Lampard has brought no light to our lamps.”

At the time of writing, Chelsea sit in 12th place in the Premier League table and are due to end their difficult season with a couple of tough fixtures.

The team will head to Old Trafford later this week to take on Manchester United before hosting Newcastle United on the final day.